Feb 24·edited Feb 24

My former coworker told me that "there was no racism in America until Obama and Al Sharpton started talking about it". People like him want to feel like the real victims, like they are bullied. Let's define our own words instead of ceding that to them. And maybe some bullying is in order.

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Appreciate your thoughts about diversity programs. I would say that the desegregation of the schools was a diversity program and was necessary for the civil rights movement. On the other hand, I have been a part of several minority owned 8(a) small businesses that employ a bunch of white males who get rich hiring other white males while making a single minority figurehead person wealthy also. I can't even get the companies to look at hiring from HBCU graduating classes. As a diversity program, I think the government 8(a) program is a failure. A minority owned small business whose workforce is 95% white and 70% male is not what the program was intended for. It really is up to people to realize that inclusive hiring really will make for a better workforce and higher profitability. Keep your writing going.

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Well said!

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