Yes, “Professor Bing's usual genteel both sidesism” needs to stop, now. Trump is the worst person at the presidential level to represent this country in my lifetime. His appearance, criminal history, presentation skills and philosophical bents are a disgrace to this nation. Biden is the polar opposite. Wake up…

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So, how is ranked choice voting any different than voting for the next person in this election?

Regarding "Russiaphobia", I think there are real reasons to be concerned about Russia, It's economy is about the size of Spain's but they are, and have been, running fairly significant intelligence campaigns against the US and others. Smirnov is just one piece yet look at the impact on one of the parties. It's not really a phobia if it's real. With Ukraine we made a commitment with the Budapest Memorandum. It would be nice if the two sides made up and promised to be friends, but that's not the real world. Regarding Israel at the moment, I don't see where there's much the US can actually do. I think Trump inflamed Hamas and he has even said the war needs to play out. Netenyahu is going to do Netenyahu things. He's supported by enough Israelis and powerful lobbying in the US even as support here wanes. What possibly can a third party candidate do to end the war? I also challenge the assertion that presidents lack commitment to support the agenda of the base. A president needs a base.

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