Sitemap - 2024 - John Bing’s Newsletter

Hypocrisy and Revenge

The Hunted and the Hunters

The Reddening of America


History and the 2024 Election

Mind to Mind

A Further Discussion of Partisan Realignment

Let's Close the Gaps in our Thinking

A Brief Reading Suggestion

What is a Critical Realignment?

What is an Economy?

It WAS "the Economy"

The Day After

And Now I Vote

The President of the United States is the FACE of our Country

A Teacher as Vice-President?

My Vote in This Election

Your Local Newspaper

A Response to Greg Lehrer

Understanding the Present

Solidarity with a Moral Past

Take a Step Back

Current News


Fire in the Field

Republicans for "Big" Government?


The Language of American Democracy


The Mental Game of Politics is "the Game"

The Foundations of Civilization Have Changed

The Economics of the Future

Ater the Conventions

How to Win an Election

Base Stealing

The "Enemies" Within

Continuing the Conversation about the GOP Maga Movement

The Republican Convention

Wages and Prices

From Fear to Action


The Debate

Your Brains Won't Fall Out

Role of Women within the Christian Church

I may be a hypocrite but what I have to say may be worth considering.

Do Professors "profess" outside their discipline in class?

One Last Word on one Flawed Aspect of Conservatism

Conservers and Adapters

For a Conservative to Vote Republican this This Election for President is a Contradiction

The Giants are Still with Us

We Need True Conservatives

Student Protest


All Agreement should be Provisional

You didn't actually see the Sun.

Opportunities Lost

And Now a Word from Andy Rooney

It's Good; It's Bad; It's Both

Not a Prize Fight

Christian Nationalism

The Green Fields of the Mind and Heart and Life

Alone and With Others

A One Dimensional World

Two Parts to Teaching

John Ryder's Response to our Conversation on "Two Evils" and Voting

Two Legs Bad; Four Legs Good.

Be Human

Rejoinder to the "Better of Two Evils"

The Lesser of Two Evils

The Ugly Spread of Partisanship

A Good Response to my Last Post

The Issues Behind the Issues

Another Look at Woke

What Do I Do Now

Playing with Other People's Lives

We are Responsible

A Divided Society: the Battle over Science

These Walls Talk, Part One

Time to Get Out of the Mud

Treat with Caution the Prophets of Doom

The "Great Man" Theory of Everything

The Good Samaritan was a Democrat if you are a Republican and a Republican if you are a Democrat.